Thursday 7 April 2011

Demolition Men (New IG list)

I was getting kinda sick and tired with my previous list so I think it's about time for a change. Pushing all these footsloggers around can be hard work and time consuming so I want to get back to fully mechanised list. I got the models for everything (I think) so it's not really such a big issue. So here it is (after the jump):

Company Command Squad, 4 MG, Astropath, Chimera...175
6 Psyker Battle Squad, Overseer, Chimera...135
Veteran Squad, 3 Flamers, Demolitions, Chimera...170
Veteran Squad, 3 Flamers, Demolitions, Chimera...170
Veteran Squad, 3 MG, Demolitions...130
Veteran Squad, 3 MG, Demolitions...130
2 Medusa...270
2 Hydra...150

Obviously the melta wielding vets are going to embark the Vendettas. This makes them eligible for a very potent Alpha Strike (in conjunction with Demolitions). Imagine going against a Razorspam parking lot and being able to charge 6 vehicles on the first turn hitting them with meltabombs. Could be a game winner.

Didn't change much from my Heavy Support options since I am very pleased with their performance so far. I took away the Enclosed Crew Compartment from the Medusas in order to trim some points and also for LoS purposes. An open topped Medusa could potentially get a 3+ cover save if it's standing behind a Chimera so I think the survivability of the vehicle evens up.

The Company Command Squad return to their role as big game hunters. Four meltaguns to fire at Land Raiders and Monstrous Creatures. There are no Infantry Platoons that could benefit heavily from their orders (so as to keep them in the back) so these guys now belong to the midfield. It will be necessary for them to advance forwards with the Veterans and use the orders on them.

I've never used the Astropath before but I realised how helpful he could be from my games. One of the biggest issues with IG is to play second against a very shooty army. In these cases you might want to start your whole army in reserves and the Astropath is definitely going to help arriving on the second turn. Furthermore, if the enemy is camping an objective in the back of the board you might want to get a Vendetta outflanking and reach him as soon as possible.

You might have noticed that all the Vets are packing demolitions. This is a huge investment points wise (I could get a Devildog with the same points) but I think it is worth it. Let me explain. First of all I think it's a good idea to have a large blast with AP2 on an infantry squad. The guard hates MEQs in cover. If you throw them a pie plate in the face and force them to reroll successful cover saves (with Fire on my Target!) then you will probably neutralize them. Vehicles can't do that (since they don't receive orders) so Meltavets with Demolitions are the ideal platform. Special Weapon squads need an Infantry Platoon to be unlocked and only 6 in the squad means the special weapons could well die if their vehicle blows up (the Vets have more bodies to mitigate that).

Demolitions help Vets to be active in both the shooting phase and the assault phase. If you failed to destroy that vehicle with the melta shots you can charge it and try to take it out with meltabombs. It also gives the Vets duality. Now the flamer guys have a chance to hurt  vehicles and the meltagunners can threaten hordes with their pie plates. Obviously this is very important because now we can deal with multiple types of armies with almost all our units.

I realise that my scoring units are not very durable and are also suicidal in nature. In objectives type missions I will be more careful and not throw them away too eagerly. Worst case I can have one of the Flamervet squads sitting behind LoS blocking terrain ready to jump out the last turn and claim an objective.

Psykers are there again to deal another cheap Large Blast (has 50% to kill MEQs outright) and also defend against Death Stars like Nob Bikers and TH/SS terminators (by using weaken resolve on them). So that's pretty much about it. Tell me what you think and how I could improve on this list. Cheers!


  1. Its a good looking list though I would love to see marbo in there.

  2. +1 for Marbo! definately one of my fav IG chars!

  3. Tsk,tsk,tsk, guys, guys! You know I am a FAAC player so how could I ever fit that dirty Catachan in my Cadian force. I know you guys are all about winning and stuff but what about the sacred fluff! :P

  4. what's an MEQ? you keep mentioning them

  5. MEQ means (Space) Marine Equivalent. Basically a model with T4 and a 3+ save.
