Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Interview for 11th Company Podcast

At last! The new episode for the 11th Company Podcast is out! Check it out here if you want to listen to a small interview from yours truly. Mainly about the Guard and gaming in Greece but also some other stuff of general interest. Make sure you enjoy it (and don't make fun of my dodgy english!) and let me know what you think.

I would like to thank Pat and the rest of the people over there again for their support to my blog. Cheers guys!


  1. Working my way through that episode, though at its length that may take quite a while! Heard your part, neat to be able to place a voice with the blog.

  2. I listened the the 40UK bit last night but didn't recognise your name on the cast index (badly spelled).

    Funnily Pat called me last night to chat about the Masters. It is a small world bud.

  3. @ SoT : Cheers mate but please don't judgme by my voice :P Honestly it's too embarassing for me to listen to.

    @ Neil: Yeah, Leafareas lol! So you are going to be in the next episode? Small world indeed!

  4. Congrats on making the big time. I haven't heard it yet, but I'm sure it's great.

  5. Oooh nice! My favourite Podcast, nice work! Now that you're famous don't let it go to your head ;)

  6. Thanks guys, now I'll get the fame and the money I've always dreamt of! Not!

  7. It was fun listening to you. A Greek can't hide his accent can he?? lol

  8. Why would I hide my accent? And how? :P Do Australian people realise you are Greek when you talk to them? And did you understand anything from what we were talking about? :P
